When it comes to using and exploring different kinds of blades, there is always so much to learn. Whether you have used many or one type of blade, they each have a specific technique and cutting specialty. Then there are some knives that go beyond just their function and also excel in their form as well. One of these is also throwing knives that have been around for centuries. From as early as the 12th Century, Sudanese soldiers used to have a version of throwing knives for fighting. They were slim and intricate blades that spun in the air and hit targets really quickly. If you haven’t had the chance to learn how to throw away knives, now is your chance. Let’s cover the basics of what throwing knives are and what’s their technique. 

If you are just setting out to explore the possibilities of throwing knives, you should get one to check. They are as impressive to look at as they are to throw and show off. The first thing you want to do is familiarize yourself with their shape. They are heavier from the handle and lighter and slimmer from the edge of the knife. This shape allows them to swing in the air without much disruption and maintain their momentum. The second thing is to get down their throwing technique, you hold the handle upright and fling with a flick of your wrist. The stronger your flick, the farther the swinging knife will go creating a longer spinning cycle. Despite the fact that they are quite ancient weapons, they are still pretty popular. You can still find multiple throwing knives for sale if you are interested in getting some. They are excellent weapons and even cooler collectibles for knife enthusiasts of all kinds.  

Effectiveness Of Throwing Weapons 

If you look at the dynamics of knives that are meant for throwing, they seem like theatrical props. As weapons it is hard to imagine how they can be as useful as something more lethal and complex. But there are some weapons that are more dependent on skill than actual mechanism. Throwing knives are as good as the person who is using them and how. 

They are also not meant to be very threatening or menacing, instead they are actually quite nifty. They work more as distraction tools and darts for long distance attack on a charging opponent. In the time of horseback and direct combat, they were as crucial as arrows and spears. But you won’t get much use out of them as actual slashing blades like daggers and swords. The more useful aspect of throwing knives is distance. You can use them to distract your enemy when they are pursuing you and you need to mislead them. They are also handier when you need to hit someone farther from you who might also be holding a weapon. 

In self-defense and close combat throwing knives are not as effective as some other blades. They can be used as stabbing knives if you have no other option but otherwise, they aren’t as convenient. Usually, you don’t have enough time or space to use a throwing weapon in a threatening situation. It can be effective if you see someone else in danger and you throw the knife to save their life from a perpetrator. 

They are however, quite useful for pursuing a suspect on foot and hunting. If you are chasing a criminal and you have good aim, throwing a knife at their legs can slow them down. Similarly, you can use throwing knives as hunting tools as they require you to attack from a distance. You can hit a running animal or shoot at an unsuspecting prey to catch them or hunt them down. 

When To Buy Real Throwing Knives And Why 

It might seem silly to rely on something so dependent on your personal ability as weapons. However, there are some benefits to training with throwing knives apart from distant attacks. Even if you don’t use them as primary weapons, they are excellent for target shooting. You can buy throwing knives for beginners as practice weapons to improve your aim and reflexes. Such is the case with archery as well; you might not use it as a tactic, but it is an impressive skill to have. 

The other most common reason for buying throwing knives and using them is for performance. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, throwing knives is actually a pretty neat party trick. They are a headlining act in circuses and carnivals and professional throwing knives are used for performances. There are multiple tricks and acts that use them as props and people are pretty adept at using them in thrilling ways. You can also train yourself to make impressive moves with throwing knives, but they require practice. 

Where To Buy Cool Throwing Knives For Collection

We have covered the various reasons behind buying throwing knives and how they are useful. With that in the bag you are probably wondering, where do you even look for them in the first place? There are actually many knife stores that might carry a selection of impressive throwing knives. Other than performing tricks or training for fights, they are also pretty popular as collectibles. People love their unique shape and design and like to add them to their knife collections. 

In that case, your local stores might not have the best selection of throwing knives for you to look through. You can instead look for a more diverse collection online for the best options out there. You will be able to browse through more designs and sizes in a place that specializes in unique weapons. If you haven’t explored it yet, Knife Import is an amazing source for such unique blades. Not only will you find professional training knives but also collection-worthy blades under their banner. 

What’s more, when people think about collecting knives, they are often worried about prices. At Knife Import, you get a collection of wholesale knives for resale that is also half the market rate. You can find and buy new versions of throwing knives without throwing your budget off balance.